Today’s solutions often spell problems for tomorrow.
The Branch Creek Story
Easy-to-use products often cost our planet big. We’re working to change that. Branch Creek’s cleaner chemistries work – with no added labor and no added spending. It’s a journey that started in our own backyard.
Solutions for Every Soil Situation
Branch Creek is in the business of helping all farmers increase profitability by nourishing their soil’s health. This unique focus brings the best technology to bear on every acre!
Profit, meet peace of mind. Branch Creek’s turf solutions make chemical-free office parks, apartment buildings, and campuses a reality.
Healthy playing surfaces, protected ecosystems and improved water quality isn’t environmentalism – it’s the future.
Playing Fields
Protect players and fans with right-priced turf solutions safe for direct contact and prolonged exposure. A grand slam for budgets, health, and Mother Nature.
No more toxic runoff, no more chemicals tracked inside, and only the safest for your pets, family, neighbors, and guests – all for less. Be the yard that sparks a movement.
No added headaches for you – or our planet.
Branch Creek products all have one thing in common: Through years of careful development, they inflict less harm on human health and the ecosystem while maintaining the practical benefits you want and need.
Do better by water, soil, and all living things with these three everyday product lines:
Safer Play

Finally, lawn care you need without the chemicals you don’t! Safer Play’s cleaner chemistry poses so little risk to people and our planet, it’s exempt from EPA registration. Get peace of mind and pristine results on lawns, gardens, and athletic fields. Ditch toxic chemicals and pesticides for Safer Play.
Chloride Free

Chloride-free Entry® melts snow and ice in as little as 30 seconds! It’s safer for pets, homes, and nature, won’t dirty or damage floors, and outperforms granular chloride salts at no added cost. Discover the effective, responsible de-icer that doesn’t create more problems than it solves!
Branch Creek Organics

Branch Creek Organics inputs meet USDA certified organics standards, allowing growers of any size to increase their harvest without jeopardizing soil’s wellbeing. This approach ensures long-term profitability for farmers, great results for homeowners, and a brighter future for us all.
SatusteamTM Technology KILLS WEEDS WITH STEAM!
For leaders who choose to save their community and the soil from the harmful effects of chemical weed control practices.